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For MAPs: Medical Access Points/Providers™

Join the MAP: Medical Access Point/Provider™ Network

We have created the MAP Network to serve as collection solutions for the Labs/Clients on the MOMS platform.

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New Revenue

MAPs earn new revenue on existing services and labor. Patients with a lab order/test kit from a MOMS Lab/Client only need the specimen collected according to provided instructions.

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Community Resource

MAPs can establish themselves in the community as a medical resource.

Blood draw

Ready to earn new revenue on existing labor and services?

MAPs play a crucial role in the testing process, serving as the specimen collection point.

Brick-and-mortar facilities with the necessary skilled labor to perform specimen collections are called MAPs: Medical Access Points™. MAPs can join MOMS for no cost and connect with the Labs/Clients on the MOMS network to serve as draw sites for patients within the community that have a test kit.

There is no insurance involved, no generating results, and no need to invoice the lab(s) for draws performed. All of these back-office, administrative tasks are automated through the MOMS platform. Simply put, if your MAP performs a draw for a MOMS patient, you get paid for performing a service your facility already provides.

With MOMS, you will get paid more quickly than you would if you were to perform a collection and invoice the lab. This is all done in a compliant, convenient platform that you can join for no cost. As a MAP, you have the opportunity to establish yourself as a go-to resource for medical needs within your community and can promote your other services to a new stream of potential patients.

We understand that sometimes it is not possible for a patient to go to a clinic for a blood draw. To accommodate these scenarios, we've introduced MAPs: Medical Access Providers™ as an alternative solution for those patients desiring a mobile specimen collection. Both brick-and-mortar and mobile collection solutions can join the MAP network as a way to automate and optimize their workflow and generate new business opportunities. By offering both options, MOMS is increasing access to testing by connecting those who need it with those who supply it.

To see how the MAP network and MOMS works for your organization, schedule a demo below.


What Our MAPs Say

"The MOMS platform is very convenient and easy to use. Patients bring their kit to our facility and we perform the draw. We then send the kit off on behalf of the patient. We appreciate being part of the MOMS network.

MAP Heart

ARCpoint Labs of Bay Area Houston

"The MOMS platform makes it easy to connect professionals drawing the blood and the labs that need the blood drawn. The patients truly appreciate going to a professional lab. MOMS makes it easy to schedule and even easier to get paid!"

MAP Heart

ARCpoint Labs of Tucson